Παρασκευή 7 Φεβρουαρίου

When a mother says motherhood is hard, is not what she needs to hear…

There’s a significant difference between acknowledging that something is hard, and dismissing that hard as a normal right of passage. The statement ‘welcome to motherhood’, while well intended perhaps, tends to do just that.

Its sends a message of subtle reassurance, to mothers who are feeling anything but themselves, that what they are experiencing is ‘normal’ or something that we all go through and get over.

The truth is that when we ‘over-normalize’, we often stifle a mother’s capacity to share further, and ultimately send mothers a dangerous message:

That the physical or emotional distress that they may be experiencing is something they should accept, deal with, or get over, alone.

The next time a mom tells you she’s struggling, here are 10 things you can say instead:

I am listening.
You are not alone.
I am here to help you.
It is safe to share your story with me.
It takes courage to admit that you are struggling.
Asking for help is the bravest thing you could ever do.
Motherhood was not meant to be done alone.
We will get through this together.
You can do this.
I am with you.

Πηγή: Xenia Hatzithomas Fragkoulopoulou


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